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Kerberos is a service provided by Microsoft that allows Linux servers to talk to Windows 2000 and 2003 networks. It also allows Windows 2000 and 2003 machines to talk to each other, and provides encryption for those connections. Kerberos integrates with the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) and can be used to authenticate a connection between a Windows client and a remote machine. Kerberos is used to create and manage a secure connection between a Windows client and a Windows server. [5] Kerberos provides an authenticated encryption service using the secure remote shell (SRSS) protocol over the IPCS (Inter-Process Communication Services) extension [4] of Remote Procedure Call (RPC). Using SRSS, Kerberos provides for authentication, privacy, integrity, and confidentiality. A Kerberos 4 service can be thought of as a session key distribution service which uses symmetric encryption to protect communications which contain session keys. Kerberos was first released in June 1994 by Sun Microsystems. The first version of the version of the protocol was K4 1.0, the second version was K4 1.1, and the latest version of the protocol is known as K5. [1] The Kerberos Authentication Server is part of the Kerberos protocol but is a separate component from the Kerberos 4 service. The server is run separately from other Kerberos 4 functionality to eliminate potential single points of failure for the Kerberos 4 component. [3][4] SVR 4 is an implementation of the Kerberos 4 protocol made by Secure Computing. SVR4 provides Single Sign-On and Simple Certificate Enrollment Program (SCEP), Single Directory Access Management (SDAM), User Directory Access Management (UDAM), and other security related features. SVR4 can also be used as a general Kerberos 4 server by installing a standard Kerberos 4 distribution such as Openswan. Openswan is available in all major Linux distributions. All of SVR4’s functionality can be run on existing versions of Linux as well. SVR4 is available for Windows 2000 and 2003. Kerberos 5 is the new version of Kerberos and is the latest version of the Kerberos 5 protocol that was released in January 2007. It is a major upgrade from Kerberos 4. The Kerberos 5 protocol is a complete rewrite of the Ker
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