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Radiant Dicom Viewer Cracked Wheat
Programming languages for developing an e-commerce site
I am trying to develop an e-commerce site, but I can’t decide on a programming language to use. I’m an experienced developer, and have done my fair share of java, python and ruby, but I feel that I don’t know much about languages such as PHP, C# and VB.NET, or web services.
I want to develop the site using php, but I don’t want it to get overly complicated. Could you recommend a language which is not very difficult for me to learn? Also, do you have any tips as to choosing a technology for an e-commerce site, and do you have any tips for making it search engine-optimised?
I am currently using WordPress as a CMS.
Many thanks.
Since you have listed multiple languages, I will approach your question as best as I can in general and cover the languages you’ve listed.
PHP is a great language that is easily used for e-commerce websites. Its major flaw is that it often seems not to be object-oriented. So, if you are more comfortable with OO programming, then you should probably go with a language such as Java or C#. It’s pretty easy to get a good grasp on the language if you know Java.
C# is an OO language just like Java. So you could probably learn it quite quickly, too. If you want to target the.NET Framework, that means you will be developing in a somewhat different environment than PHP. .NET is common for ASP.NET applications and is more object-oriented than C#, however.
Once you get comfortable in an OO language, try to go for.NET. It is very easy to transition to Java once you get comfortable with.NET. That’s what I would recommend.
If you are very comfortable with OO languages, then you can go for Java. In order to create the MVC architecture needed for web development, you need to be comfortable with OOP. For something as simple as an e-commerce system, Java isn’t necessarily needed. I don’t think it would be a huge problem to learn Java. As I recall, the IDE is very easy to use and you can probably get a good grasp on how Java works from the tutorials. It is also fairly easy to get comfortable with.
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