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Overloud American Classics Rig Library – Medium Overloud American Classics Rig Library | May 21, 2020 0 3 1.The relationship between age-related macular degeneration and diet: a narrative review of the evidence.
To review the evidence on the effect of diet in relation to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). A systematic review of the literature. Between January 2004 and October 2010, the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases were searched for all observational studies and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on the relationship between diet and AMD. The included studies were also evaluated for methodological quality. Key words used for searching were: ‘diet’ and ‘age-related macular degeneration’. Four papers met the inclusion criteria for this review: one RCT, one cohort study and two case-control studies. The mean age of the patients in the reviewed studies ranged from 74-82 years. All but one study found that there is an association between AMD and the following dietary habits: high levels of fruit and vegetables and fish oil; and low levels of alcohol. However, there are only three studies that have followed up the participants for more than 10 years and the longevity of the study is still short.Q:
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