How to Get a Date Fast
(And Make Sure to Charge a Strictly Standard Fee for It)
By James Duane
As a dating coach with years of experience helping people meet, woo, and marry the love of their life, I know that getting a date shouldn’t be this hard. But it is. Especially if you are living in the middle of nowhere or just trying to snag a date for a wedding or party. If you are the person who was crying into a bag of potato chips at the movie theater, this post will help you manage the client load and get your clients a date.
First, set your fees and what your normal rate is, in writing. Some clients may not realize this is part of your fee, even if it is included on your TOS (Terms of Service) or proposal. Even if it’s in writing, you should make sure your fee is spelled out explicitly. Let’s face it: You would want to find out what your rate is before you enter into your relationship, don’t you? A contract protects both of you. The more details you put in the contract, the easier it is to defend against misunderstandings, and the easier it is to make it clear the terms of service.
Do you do one-on-one coaching or couples counseling? If your clients are in couples counseling, you can make a plan for them. You know the type of man or woman you want to attract, and you should have an idea of how you can help them. If you do one-on-one coaching, treat it as your clients’ therapy sessions; it’s a couples therapy session for clients. You need to do your research, which means reading up on the subject. You need to understand all the nuances and information about what you are helping your clients become. If you aren’t up to speed on the subject, do some training.
If you are a business owner, you can’t afford to sit around and watch clients eat your money. You need to make money while you are helping others. The good news is, you are helping clients find the love of their lives. You can use this skill to make money. Think about it: You are helping folks do what they want, and they think you are doing what you want. You are simply making a difference in their lives. It’s true.
But, with your guidance, they are going to make a difference in yours. You make more money with
After the jump, some must-dos, some must-avoids, and our three books suggestions.
Of course, there are many other resources out there that address the specifics of your modern dating life, from relationship tips to photo tips to in-person advice. Most of us are really only dipping our toes into this pool right now (though some of us have a good idea as to where we’d like to be swimming in a few years). Ultimately, though, there are a lot of things that you can do to get started or help push your dating life in the direction you’d like it to go.
Dating Tips
I’m a big fan of the “Ask Better” podcast with Sally Kohn and Tristan Thompson. This isn’t a dating-specific podcast, but it has some really solid tips for anyone who wants to be a better conversationalist or have better social interactions generally. The “Ask Better” guide is pretty comprehensive and has some good recommendations for just about anything:
Also, if you like to write, I’d highly recommend “Great Sex” by John Gray. After a meeting with John, I’m still on the fence about the wisdom of dating a writer, but at this point, I’m trying to be more open-minded. He writes a lot of helpful suggestions on not only having great sex, but finding the right romantic partner.
The top three books that I would recommend are:
I’d Do Anything by Tim Federle. This is the first book I read as a single person and the first book that really had a huge impact on me and would suggest to anyone else. This is a book about overcoming your own fears and insecurities and pushing yourself. It’s definitely a tough read and you’ll feel a little insecure about a lot of things, but if you can stick with it, you’ll come out a much better person.
by Tim Federle. This is the first book I read as a single person and the first book that really had a huge impact on me and would suggest to anyone else. This is a book about overcoming your own fears and insecurities and pushing yourself. It’s definitely a tough read and you’ll feel a little insecure about a lot of things, but if you can stick with it, you’ll come out a much better person. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. This may not be a book you’d think of for dating, but it’s a good discussion starter and