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Q: How to append a string to the end of a list I’m trying to add an string to the end of a list without using append because I need to add several strings. How can I do this? lst = [obj]*3 lst is created as a list of objects. A: Use the + operator: lst = [obj]*3 lst += [‘some extra string’] Another approach, if you’re asking how to append an iterable to a list: new_list = [] for element in the_iterable: new_list.append(element) However, you should not do this for any reason; if you do, you can easily create a list that is out of bounds and will cause a runtime exception. Don’t worry about lists when you don’t need them, and use lists when you do. Q: How to prove function that returns all elements of an array is constant time O(n)? I was working on some programming problems that had a general idea of calculating the sum of an array. I realized that if I wanted to display each number in an array to the screen and sum them up, the total time is proportional to the amount of numbers in the array. So I came up with a solution that prints the array to screen and uses O(1) space to store all the numbers. I was wondering whether or not I had made a mistake, as though the function looks like this: int addArrays(const int *a, const int n){ int sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i The importance