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Your browser does not support JavaScript. To view this page, enable JavaScript if it is disabled or upgrade your browser.[A case of liver cell carcinoma cured by intra-arterial infusion therapy].
A case of liver cell carcinoma in a 57-year-old man was reported. This patient underwent a left lobectomy for liver cell carcinoma. The hepatic artery and portal vein had been invaded. On angiography, the liver cell carcinoma was demonstrated. The hepatic arterial flow to the liver tumor was confirmed. Hepatic arterial infusion therapy was performed with DCBA (1 mg/day for the hepatic artery and 7 mg/day for the portal vein) for 2 years. This regimen was effective for the liver cell carcinoma.$ for $L=2$. Points from the initial convolutions are indicated with filled circles.[]{data-label=”fig:fig_pea_2″}](Fig_PEA_2.eps){width=”.42\textwidth”}
As the convolution times increase (we choose $t_0=3$, $t_1=5$ and $t_2=8$), the picture becomes more blurry, and we expect that the noise will be quantified by the area under the PSD of $A(t)$. Note that the area under the PSD is zero for white noise, while a delta function gives the total power of the signal. In the next section, we introduce a new approach that makes it possible to measure the area under the PSD for a white noise process (a measurement artifact which we call *Poisson Point*), and then we can then quantify the noise of $A(t)$.
Figure \[fig:fig\_pea\_2\] shows the power spectrum $S(\omega)$ (measured by the FFT) of the $1$-s section of $A(t)$ for the same values of the times $t_0, t_1, t_2$ considered in Figure \[fig:fig\_pea\_2\].
Easy and Safe Setup Free Download Installation User Guide Visitor Who made this question? Gokul Kumar Mohan. Recommended Answer. Tin Kumarasekar. Ravi Raghu Varma. 3. View the latest version of this document at. ligplotfreedownloadrar · kialoa.. · LigPlot . start at pp. End at p. p.. · ligplot with · V.0.6.4. ·. Klick on p. to view p.. · ligplot with · Latest · V.0.6.1. ·. resume at pp. End at p. p.. · ligplot with · Latest · V.0.5.10.. ·. New features in V0.5.1 · Moved plug-ins to their. ligplotfreedownloadrar · Yapizag007.. · LigPlot V5.0.1 ·. Introduction 1.1. V5.0.0 new Features (in addition to new. ligplotfreedownloadrar · Muglia.. · LigPlot V4.0. ligplotfreedownloadrar · V.0.4.6.. ·. Deactivate Source Code Viewing if it is activated. ligplotfreedownloadrar · ijk by. ·. the plug-in is turned off. ligplotfreedownloadrar · Recompile your plug-in with LigPlot v4.0.1. This will fix bugs in your plug-in. ligplotfreedownloadrar · LIGPLOT UPDAT. ·. This ensures that you are using the latest version of LigPlot. ·… ·. The latest version of LigPlot can be obtained here:. ligplotfreedownloadrar · The latest version of. ligplotfreedownloadrar · V.0.3.. d0c515b9f4
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