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And the top 5 game hacks in the net… of course, these are just out of my knowledge and experience.The value of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. The results of 228 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) examinations in 169 patients with suspected acute pancreatitis were reviewed retrospectively to determine whether ERCP would provide a better definition of the etiology of this condition. All patients had characteristic radiological evidence of acute pancreatitis. In 154 patients, the cause of pancreatitis could be established by choledochoscopy and/or sphincterotomy. In 95 of 169 patients with acute pancreatitis (56%), a choledochal stone was found, and surgery was avoided. In the remaining 64 (39%) patients, no stone was found and in five (3%) no abnormality of the biliary tract was present. In 19 (10%) patients, no cause for the pancreatitis could be identified. In 50 (29%) patients, surgical management was decided on the basis of radiological or endoscopic results alone. Thus, in 154 patients, surgery could be avoided because of choledochoscopy, whereas in 75 patients it was finally decided on the basis of ERCP alone, whereas in 19 patients it was finally decided on the basis of radiological and endoscopic findings.#ifndef QUICKLINKS_H #define QUICKLINKS_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern “C” { #endif #include “flowchart.h” void quicklinksInit(void); #define LINKS_INITIALIZED 0 #define LINK_TYPE_WILDCARD 0 // bpmn here, quicklinks is its own callback void bpmnCallback(void *arg); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif Q: How to make an Event Handler work with “this” and “” in Angular I have an Event Handler called on an element in Angular. It is not working. If I write the line: onclick=”this.value=”” it doesn’t work. If I write the line: onclick=”if(this.value==”