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Ample Bass P v1.0.0 Incl Keygen, VSTi, AAX, RTAS. AmpleSound.. What is the full suite of tunes for the paradigm I want. Keygen_ampliesound_agp_full_package.rar and.It’s been two years since ‘The New Great Depression’ was first announced, and while a lot has changed, a lot hasn’t. This week, the second annual Progress Report made its debut – and it came with some startling news: the economy is still the worst it’s been since the Great Depression.
The New Great Depression, in case you’re wondering, was the idea of my friend, prog economist Paul B. Farrell, that is being used as a call for further action to deal with the stagnant recovery. It stands in stark contrast to the feckless policies imposed by virtually every major political party in the country, including the Democratic Party, which has pursued a failed set of “stimulus” policies that have only exacerbated the morass of unemployment, debt, and economic stagnation.
It’s been two years since ‘The New Great Depression’ was first announced, and while a lot has changed, a lot hasn’t.
As we said, we’ve gotten the Great Depression back. Unemployment has risen from 7 percent to over 9 percent, and is still stuck above 8 percent. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed, underemployed, and long-term discouraged workers reached a staggering 37.6 million in September. And that doesn’t even count the 18 million people who have dropped out of the labor force altogether over the last three years.
Ironically, despite the economic backslide, we’ve seen very little improvement in the policies of most politicians: in fact, we’ve actually seen a dramatic shift to the right. President Obama’s “stimulus” plan, his lowest-rated legislative accomplishment, produced basically nothing in terms of employment, and gave subsidies to borrowers of dubious morality and honesty.
And the Democrats’ plan for a “stimulus”-adjacent “jobs bill” has also failed to deliver. Basically, Democrats have proposed to put a few hundred billion in taxpayer money into banks or the stock market, without actually providing any jobs to the unemployed or coming up with a long-term strategy
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