ConfigGen Activation Key Download

ConfigGen was developed to be a .Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings, one row for each server or environment. It is written in C#/.Net 3.5, and aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. ConfigGen aims to relieve the burden of having to manage different copies of your configuration files for each machine or environment that your application is deployed to. Rather than having to manually maintain copies of files for developer workstations, integration environments, uat servers, production servers, etc, ConfigGen reduces the problem to a single template (the core of your configuration file) together with a settings spreadsheet that contains the individual settings for each machine or environment. At it simplest, the template file is your existing configuration file where the values that vary between machines are replaced with tokens, and the spreadsheet is a tabulated view of the value of these tokens for each machine. ConfigGen also allows the structure of the configuration file to vary between environments. So why do you need it? Here are a few reasons: – You can see all the different configuration settings for all your environments and machines tabulated in a single spreadsheet – When your configuration file is changed, it only needs to be changed in one place. – The tabulated view makes it easy to spot missing configuration data for certain machines: no more deploying to UAT, only to find your app fails due to a config change that was applied to your dev boxes only. – ConfigGen warns if any inconsistencies are found between the template file and the settings spreadsheet. Once you have compiled ConfigGen and created a settings spreadsheet (in .xls or .xlsx format only at the moment folks) and a configuration template file, ConfigGen can be run from the command line: cfg.exe This will assume a template file called App.Config.Template.xml and a settings spreadsheet file called App.Config.Settings.xls, in the current directory. A directory will be created, called Configs, and configuration files will be created, each in its own machine named subdirectory, for each machine.







ConfigGen Patch With Serial Key Free Download [Win/Mac]

ConfigGen Product Key has the following features: * Generates configuration files in the same machine directory structure as the configuration template file * User defined variables are replaced with tokens in the configuration file * Variable tokens are evaluated at compile time, not runtime (makes debugging a lot easier) * Compiles and generates the config file and a treeview layout of the configuration file * Allows for multiple separate config files to be created in the same machine directory tree * Supports config file templates and multiple machines * Does not rely on any kind of third party components or require a third party shell to run * Configuration variables are tabulated in a spreadsheet (XLSX format at the moment, we are working on a template format soon). * Configuration variables can be inserted into a template file either within a tag, or directly in the config file * Allows for any number of configuration variables to be specified in each spreadsheet row * Allows the configuration to be versioned for each environment or server * Allows configuration data to be stored in a database if desired * Allows configuration to be stored in a file within the same directory as the template file, simply use the same file name for template file and configuration file * Renames configuration variables that are not defined in the template file so that the variable name is the same as the variable * Supports any number of environment or machine directories * File paths can be specified by ID * Supports multiple file paths * Supports any number of machine directory names * Exports the configuration data into.csv and.dat files * Exports raw data from the spreadsheet into config files * Useful sample project: ConfigGenDemoDemo/ [b][color=black]Notes:[/color][/b] ConfigGen only supports the.xlsx file format at the moment. ConfigGen does not recognise any cell-formula abbreviations such as ISNULL, ISNUMERIC etc. ConfigGen does not interpret any formula cells. ConfigGen does not resolve formula cells when a space is inserted between a formula cell and the token, and also does not replace text within the formula cells. configGen uses objects and variables defined in the current project, so you cannot use these objects and variables in your config templates if you have not added them in the template tool box. ConfigGen does not allow you to override or edit the properties of the objects defined in the template. ConfigGen will not automatically create or replace spaces at the end


ConfigGen Cracked 2022 Latest Version Tool was developed to be a.Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings.ConfigGen aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. ConfigGenTool was developed to be a.Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings.ConfigGen aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. ConfigGenTool was developed to be a.Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings.ConfigGen aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. ConfigGenTool was developed to be a.Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings.ConfigGen aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. Features: Set up a specific configuration file for each machine or environment.Consolidation of a given set of configuration options into a single file.Multiple configuration files are generated with a config template file and a spreadsheet of settings.A warning is generated if there are any inconsistencies between the template and the settings file. 3 of 10 people found the following review helpful: Review for ConfigGen Tool 3.1 Review: 2.2 Posted by: Chaos in: 19-Nov-2010 Level of Difficulty: Easy Handy for generating “one template to rule them all” configuration files, but only with Excel 2003 format and doesn’t handle errors. ConfigGen Tool was developed to be a.Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings.ConfigGen aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. ConfigGenTool was developed to be a.Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings.ConfigGen aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. ConfigGenTool was developed to be a.Net tool used to generate configuration files based on a template file and a spreadsheet of settings.ConfigGen aims to free developers from having to maintain multiple copies of their config files. 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful: Review for ConfigGen Tool 3.1 Review: 5.0 Posted by: Uro in: 13 b7e8fdf5c8

ConfigGen [Updated]

The ConfigGen UI is fairly complex. I have made the default templates very approachable though, so hopefully the install process is straightforward. Configuration Template File: The Configuration Template File is where your settings spreadsheet resides. The file is described below: MachineName {COMPUTERNAME} ComputerName {LOCALCOMPUTERNAME} DnsServers {DNSHOSTNAME} DnsDomainName {DNSDOMAINNAME} PortNumber {DEFAULTPORTNUMBER} ConnectionStrings {DEFAULTCONNECTIONSTRING} ApplicationSettings {FILELOCATION} The values in the snippet are: MachineName: The Name of the machine, as shown in the hosts file, or in the computer name display. ComputerName: The name of the machine, as shown on the network. DnsServers: The name of the DNS servers that are authoritative for the domain name, or for the machine. DnsDomainName: The name of the DNS domain name, or, if this is a multicast router, the name of the multicast router. PortNumber: The port number used to establish the TCP connection, or the default port number. ConnectionStrings: The directory in which your application configuration file resides, or, if this is not configured, the location for the default configuration. ApplicationSettings: The location of the settings file for your application. Settings Expander: The Settings Expander is what allows you to view the details for any settings that are defined, and to expand the tokens for lookup. It is built using a lightweight framework called Mustache. It looks like this:

What’s New in the?

– ConfigGen is a.NET 3.5 tool which reads from command line parameters the name of the template file containing the configuration settings, and the settings spreadsheet. – The settings spreadsheet is a.xls or.xlsx file with tabulated columns for each server or environment, one row for each setting. – ConfigGen generates a directory structure for each machine that includes the configuration file, a test configuration file and an application configuration file. – Within the template file it looks for the ‘First’ line containing a placeholder ‘machine’, and creates for each machine a new file with the name of the machine and the ‘MachineName’ variable substituted by the value of the ‘Machine’ variable from the spreadsheet, and the ‘ApplicationName’ variable substituted by the value of the ‘Application’ variable from the spreadsheet. – Any missing elements of the machine configuration are automatically generated, i.e. reference variables are created for the remaining elements of the configuration file. – Multiple machines can be configured. The template file is simply concatenated together for each ‘machine’ section. – The generated configuration file is named ‘app.config’ and placed in the ‘Configs’ directory. – Within the generated configuration file, the values from the template file are substituted in place of any ‘machine’ variables. – At the moment it is assumed that the machine has an ‘app.config’ file with appropriate contents. This file will be copied to the generated machine ‘Configs’ directory. – The configuration file can contain tokens that are referenced from the spreadsheet using the ‘@@’ (double hash) notation. These are variables in the machine configuration file, which allows the settings to be referenced in the spreadsheet. – You can optionally add comments to the generated configuration file to help with debugging or explanation, e.g. ​@@TESTING DEV1@@ The generated file is shown in more detail on the ConfigGen Readme file in the downloads area. An important consideration when writing automated tests is how you ensure the platform on which the tests are being run is the same as the platform in which the application under test is running. One approach is to run the tests on the application server that will ultimately execute the application under test, but the tests would need to be shared among the application developers on the project team. This can be troublesome as

System Requirements For ConfigGen:

Minimum: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (64-bit operating system is recommended) Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 945 Memory: 2 GB RAM Recommended: Processor: Intel Core i5 3.0 GHz or AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Memory: 4 GB RAM

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